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Master the foundations of mindfulness in just 2 weeks

Reduce stress, sleep better, and cultivate a more resilient mind, with this step-by-step, 14-day guide to mindfulness meditation.


Are you aware that...

meditation is hands down the easiest, most effective way to let go of stress and anxiety, build a more meaningful and fulfilling life, and become a more grounded and effective leader.

... And mindfulness meditation in particular is one of the most pragmatic, nonsense-free forms of meditation you'll find!

And if you're thinking that you don't need meditation to fix the problems in your head, then read on, you renegade.


4 Mind-Blowing Statistics About mindfulness That will have you saying, "why haven't I started meditating yet?!"

75% of insomniacs who’ve started a daily meditation plan are able to fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed.

Meditation leads to massive increases in regional brain gray matter density

Meditation plays a critical role in delaying the onset and slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by increasing telomerase enzyme by 43%

Practicing meditation for 6-9 months can reduce anxiety by 60%

What Does All This Mean?

Well, if you want to let go of stress and anxiety,

become a better leader, and keep your brain healthy,

then you need to master your inner game.


...And I am NOT the only one seeing results with mindfulness!

"Establishing a mindfulness routine helped me start my day with ease."

"The course helped me to enter the sphere of mindfulness and meditation. Establishing a mindfulness routine helped me a lot to start my day with ease. The structure of the course helps a lot to see different angles and how to shape your meditations. Thus, not getting stuck on one meditation pattern and routine."

- Johannes Müller

"I’m happier now than I’ve ever been before"

"I’m happier now than I’ve ever been before because I use the mindfulness tools taught to me by Jeremy every day."

– Donna Seagle


"Mindfulness has been changing my life"

"Mindfulness has been changing my life, and Jeremy's teachings make it all easier and lighter. I highly recommend this course!"

- Renato Klimeck




Super charge your mind with meditation, and take back control of your life. 

Developed for the intrepid HIGH-PERFORMER who’s (more than) ready to:

  • Feel more at peace, even in high stress situations. 
  • Have an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence. 
  • Bounce back from anxiety attacks and emotional difficulties more quickly than before. 
  • Develop a consistent meditation habit that feels joyful and is sustainable.

“Jeremy teaches the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation with a beautiful order, explaining based on science in such an easy and understandable way.

What a beautiful and useful course! I highly recommend it to anyone, no matter what your level/experience is in mindfulness and meditation. I like the way of Jeremy’s explaining; calm and compassionate. This is a very valuable and trustable work of teaching the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation with a beautiful order, explaining based on science in such an easy and understandable way. I definitely got benefit out of it! Thank you Jeremy!”

Petek Tatli


Join Today for just $197


Your Plan for Mindfulness Mastery in Just 3 Simple Steps:

1. Watch the mindfulness explainer videos

2. Meditate along to 14 Guided Meditations

3. Integrate the practices into your life

Your COMPLETE A-Z Training System That Walks You Through the EXACT Steps For becoming an expert meditator, and mastering the foundations of mindfulness.

That's really just a fancy way of saying that you'll be able to:


Release stress and anxiety from the body using the mindful body-scan technique.


Feel more at peace, even in high stress situations.


Have an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence. 

Bounce back from anxiety attacks and emotional difficulties more quickly than before. 


Mindfulness Made Easy

14-Day Training Guide:


Day 1 – Welcome to the course

Day 2 – What is mindfulness?

Day 3 – Returning Your Attention to the Present

Day 4 – Building Concentration

Day 5 – Cultivating Body Awareness

Day 6 – Practicing Mindful Listening

Day 7 – Cultivating Equanimity

Day 8 – Obstacle #1: A Hyperactive Mind

Day 9 – Obstacle #2: Distractions

Day 10 – Obstacle #3: Difficult Emotions

Day 11 – Obstacle #4: Pain In The Body

Day 12 – Obstacle #5: Doubt

Day 13 – Loving-Kindness

Day 14 – Bringing it All Together


Get Lifetime Access Today for just $197

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